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What Pilots Need To Know About Runway Conditions: FICON NOTAM Unwrapped.
As the first snowflakes hit the ground around North America, A pertinent question arises for pilots; "How do I know if the intended...
Essential Flight Rules for Safe Flying
In a recent flight, I encountered three situations where adhering to these specific rules, helped me achieve desirable results. Rule #1:...
6 Ways To Stay Current When You Can't Fly
Quite often as pilots, we come across certain situations in which maintaining flight currency and proficiency is limited, Such as severe...
The Cheapest Way To Build Flight Hours
When I started building hours in the US, I heard rumors of a magical way to build hours cheaper than in any other country. People said:...
Inspired By Aviation Jewelry
As a flight instructor who is always been captivated by the magic of flight, I'm excited to share something close to my heart - Aviation...
Tips To Reduce Check Ride Anxiety
Your checkride is coming soon. It’s very exciting. It means you accomplished quite a journey, and you are finally there! But for many...
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