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 Welcome to Blue Jay Aviation

Supporting pilots through their aviation journey


How many times did you find yourself trying to figure out what next?

What kind of aviation career to choose, and how to get there?

What to do when you have an aviation dilemma?


Bluejay Aviation was founded by the experienced Gold Seal instructor, Naomi Schayek, as she noticed through her aviation studies, a major problem that the aviation industry is dealing with. 



Without a guide and a mentor, many pilots never achieve their goals. 


Join hundreds of pilots who became a better version of themselves

Online Courses

Our online courses focus on approaching aviation materials in the most efficient and easy way

Personal Programs

Promoting your excellency through our personal programs with our highly qualified instructors


Ready to join the

aviation world?

Our tailored one-on-one consulting services are designed just for you!

Lihi Monis CFI

Naomi instructed me all the way from my private to my CFI.

As an instructor,  she gave me all the tools to develop the skills, habits, and knowledge, helping me to become a safe, responsible, and educated pilot.

I recommend Naomi to any aviator at any stage!

Lihi Monis, CFII

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