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תמונת הסופר/תNaomi Schayek

What Pilots Need To Know About Runway Conditions: FICON NOTAM Unwrapped.

As the first snowflakes hit the ground around North America,

A pertinent question arises for pilots;

"How do I know if the intended destination airport is clear of snow and ice? " Pilots often advocate checking FICON NOTAMs for this crucial information.

But what exactly is FICON NOTAM?


FICON NOTAM is an extensive report that meticulously outlines braking conditions on the runway, referred to as RCAM "Runway Conditions Assessment Matrix".

This report intricately divides the runway into three segments:

Touchdown, Midpoint, and Rollout, assigning ratings of

"5" for good, "3" for medium, and "1" for poor conditions.

For instance, consider the following example:

NOTAM XXX states: "RWY 34 FICON 5/4/3."

This signifies that the beginning of runway 34 is in good condition, and gradually diminishing towards the runway's terminus.

Navigating landings with an active FICON NOTAM requires a strategic approach, and here are some valuable tips to consider:

Our tips for landings when FICON NOTAM is active:

Tip 1: Small Aircraft

It's generally advised to avoid landing on runways rated RCAM 3 or less on the FICON Notam report.

Tip 2: Be Ready

If you find yourself landing on a runway with medium conditions, it is a good opportunity to use your piloting skills for a "soft landing". Touch the ground as softly as you can to minimize potential aircraft damage.

"It is better to be on the ground wishing to be in the air, than being in the air wishing to be on the ground"

Tip 3: Avoid Brakes

When faced with medium conditions, minimize brake usage. Instead, apply back pressure on the yoke to bring the aircraft to a halt.

The efficacy of brakes on snowy or icy runways is notably reduced, risking compromised directional control.

Don’t Forget

In the realm of FICON NOTAM and challenging landings on icy surfaces, it's crucial not to overlook a fundamental principle:

You always have the option to divert to another airport!

Navigating through the winter when the RCAM is less than 5, requires a balance of caution, skill, and readiness to adapt.

So, whether choosing a safer landing airport or executing a soft landing, these tips aim to enhance aviation safety during wintry runway conditions.

What are your thoughts?


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